Since last time. I have been DJ-ing some, I have been playing Arkham Asylum, and of course some Starcraft 2. I feel like I want to play a lot of ladder but there is often something that stops me. I was able to tell myself that playing ladder games is not a big deal, and thus I was able to promise myself to play five ladder games on my Friday off. Unfortunately that did not happen. I played three games, and realized (or fooled myself into thinking) that I was now playing gold players I was then once again stricken with a fear of playing ladder when conditions are not optimal.
Conditions are optimal when I feel relatively well rested, I have a lot of time freed up so I will not have to interrupt the game for anything, my girlfriend is feeling happy and will not think I am blowing her off by playing video games, and maybe most importantly, I need to not have adrenalin from a previous game in my system.
The smell of the gold league is what now ressurects this fear of (losing) league games. It is very sad since I am really finding much joy in the 1v1 league. The high silver/low gold league has just the right mix of cheese and regular games. Unfortunately my latest games are´nt really that interesting. This game was pretty exciting though. Silver level excitement! Enjoy.
Steppes of War Silver League TvZ
Steppes of War Silver League TvZ